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Guantian Township Fanzihtian Night Sacrifice

Guantian Township Fanzihtian Night Sacrifice

The people of Fanzihtian

The people of Fanzihtian (present-day Longtian) were recorded by old documents as to being the Siraya Madou Tribe's largest, most famous, and most extensive sub-tribe. Due to the rapid loss of the Pingpu culture, as well as the fact that the Fanzihtian local sacrifice place was rebuilt to be a Han Chinese-style temple, it has been difficult to find any relationship between them and the Siraya religion. In order to establish a relationship with the Siraya religion, the Fanzihtian Night Sacrifice has been introduced, which takes place on the 15th day of the tenth lunar month, especially to celebrate Taizu.

The Siraya religion

Fanzihtian local sacrifice place was rebuilt to be a Han Chinese-style temple, it has been difficult to find any relationship between them and the Siraya religion

Fanzihtian's village temple, the Fushing Temple, is located next to the main road. In January of 1986, it was completely renovated. Its wonderful carvings and paintings give an appearance of great splendor. The wall of the main temple section has a picture of the gold body of the one and only great Siraya "Taishang-Laojyun". On the left is a picture of the Cingshuei ancestral deity, and on the right is the Guanshen Dijyun deity. On a table in front are the ceremonial vessels of the "Western Public Sacrifice Place Three Sisters". In addition to these deities, an earthen jar, used during the night sacrifice to perform siang related ceremonies, can be seen. Thus, Fushing Temple combines the deities of the Pingpu Tribe and the Han Chinese.

The night sacrifice procedures

The night sacrifice takes place around the ten middle days of the tenth lunar month.
The night sacrifice procedures are as follows:

  • On the 14th day of the tenth lunar month, at 9:00pm sharp, the wangyi begins to work with the siang. In his hand are three containers of fragrant red wine, which he holds in front of the altar in the main temple. He performs the three siang ceremony to begin the mysterious night sacrifice.
  • The pig plays an important role in the activities of the night sacrifice
    After the people tie up the pig, they raise it up and take it to the public sacrifice place. After the wangyi works with the siang, and uses a bamboo fork to make gestures, the pig is offered to Taizu. Then the people kill the pig on the premises. As the pig's fur is being plucked, the wangyi examines the sacrificial objects of the public sacrifice place, and sprinkles wine on them for siang purposes.
  • Chants (ciancyu)
    A line of women and children singing the chants is formed. They wear white clothes, including white trousers. They wear a garland of flowers on their heads, and form a circle. The wangyi stands inside the circle. After the "opening chant siang", he sings another chant. The tune is similar to the Taitouzu night sacrifice chant, including prayers of thanks and gratitude to Taizu.
  • The Turning of the Pig for Acceptance
    After the pig has been sacrificed, the wangyi opens the blood urn and turns the pig. This is to show that Taizu has accepted and received the sacrifice. Another chant is sung, and after praying for blessings, the night sacrifice comes to an end.