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Because of COVID-19 Taiwan Tourist Shuttle-Guanziling route will not drive

Taiwan Tourist Shuttle-Guanziling route will not drive
The epidemic has been changed suddenly, CDC raised the warming to level 3, Taiwan Tourist Shuttle-Guanziling route will not drive from 22nd May until further notice due to renovation, thank you for your consideration.

Siraya National Scenic Area Administration is urged to continue to abide by and cooperate with level 3 epidemic prevention and control measures. Wear facial mask, wash hands, disinfect environment, and keep the social distance, do not go outside unless necessary, and with a balance diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, it can maintain a good immunity, keep your body health, decrease the risk of infection.

Find more news of Taiwan Tourist Shuttle, please search our Facebook Fan Page and the official website of Taiwan Tourist Shuttle-Guanziling route.